Halogen lighting changeover – 50watts to only 11watts each
Common level lift foyers – existing 4 x 40watt oysters changed to 2 x 24watt LED and 2 x Microwave operated 24watt LED that only com on with presence, never entering a space with no lighting
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Sunshine Towers, Maroochydore:
Basement carpark lighting – changed existing 45watt fluro’s to smart sensorDIM LED tubes that consume only 5 watts on standby
Common area oysters have been changed to sensorDIM oysters
Basement fitted with Variable Speed Drive to the carpark exhaust, speeds up only for car entry, idles while no cars move inside.
Suggested Tariff 22 changeover (no cost)
Pool equipment optimisation on Time Of Use tariff
Verano Resort, Noosaville:
Basement carpark lighting – changed existing 45watt fluro’s to smart sensorDIM LED tubes that consume only 5 watts on standby
Removed mechanical timers, replaced with reliable PLC controllers triggered by sunset switch for year round optimisation
Found heat issue, thermal scanned to find several issues before they were a problem
Designed a Pool equipment controller that optimises run time during off peak electricity rates
Bella Casa, Hastings St, Noosa:
Basement carpark lighting – changed existing 45watt fluro’s to smart sensorDIM LED tubes that consume only 5 watts on standby
Changed halogen lighting to low wattage LED
Retrofitted occupancy sensors to lighting that otherwise was on 24/7
Retrofitted sensorDIM
Changed Emergency lighting to lowest total power consumption on the market
Added sunset switch for year round optimisation
Designed a Pool equipment controller that optimises run time during off peak electricity rates
Variable speed drives maintain pool quality during peak time and work harder in off peak to optimise energy costs
Ballinger Place, Buderim:
Basement carpark lighting – changed existing 45watt fluro’s to smart sensorDIM LED tubes that consume only 5 watts on standby
Replaced 4 mechanical timers that were all tracking different times – installed one PLC controller that takes occupancy inputs and light level inputs to drive lighting and events.
Variable speed drives fitted to carpark ventilation
Sunshine coasts first installation of sensorDIM panel lighting – existing 54w, now 5w on standby and 15w during occupancy
Relamped all external oyster lights with LED, existing fluro was turning oysters yellow with fluro’s UV effect (LED has no UV)